Manchester Association of Engineers

The Manchester Association of Engineers, one of the oldest such organisations, began with informal meetings held on Saturday evenings in a city centre hotel. It was formally established on the 14th of January 1856 at a time when the Manchester area was recognized worldwide as a leading centre of engineering, production, and technical excellence. It continues to contribute to the culture of a great city and the promotion of engineering as a career.

Throughout its life, the association has included within its membership many eminent engineers and others representing the great and small in manufacturing, design, and educational establishments of the area. It attracts many distinguished speakers, and its transactions have been regularly sought by libraries and other organisations in many countries.

Brief History

The Manchester Association of Engineers was conceived by a group of foremen and draughtsmen employed by leading firms of the time. This small body of men was soon joined by employers, managers, and educators who saw the benefit in having a local organization where matters of interest to all types of engineers could be discussed.

Membership has included Sir William Mather, Daniel Adamson (leader of the Ship Canal movement), and Sir Leader Williams (the chief engineer during its construction), as well as other famous local engineers such as Sir William Fairbairn, Sir W. H. Bailey, Beyer and Peacock of railway fame, Hans Renold, principals and academic staff of what is now Manchester University, and many others. But not least, its membership has largely been made up of those people whose contributions to industry and education have been considerable but not publicly recognized.

Past president and Secretary of The MAE, the late Ernest Andrews, with his restored vintage vehicle.
Members attending a meeting at our Hough End venue


The original purpose of the association was set down as:

The bringing together of those engaged in the design, direction, or superintendence of engineering works and operations, for mutual improvement and assistance, an increase in acquaintance, and promoting frequent exchange of opinions on interesting questions constantly arising from the progressive nature of engineering.

This purpose is still maintained, but it has widened over the years to encompass the developing technologies and newer sciences. Membership is open to those persons who, though not engineers, are concerned with these activities and their social impact professionally, or are otherwise interested in these subjects.

The Association has a role to play in the development of engineers at all levels. The lecture program is of a character to enrich the knowledge of individuals across many engineering disciplines. This wide knowledge is seen to be of value in the formation of an engineer.


Although membership does not in itself represent a professional qualification, it will be found that almost every professional engineering institution is represented among the members of the Association and the authors presenting papers.

Three grades of membership are available to any person wishing to join the Association:

Member - A person who is 25 years or over, has held a responsible position in a profession, industry, or commerce for a period of not less than 3 years, and who has a practicing interest in engineering.

May attend all meetings, vote in elections, and receive all transactions and other relevant information by post.

Subscription: £37.50

Associate - A person who is 17 years or over, has a practicing interest in engineering but who does not fulfill the other requirements of full membership.

May attend all meetings, take part in discussions, and collect any material at meetings.

Subscription: £22.00

Student - A person with an interest in engineering who is between 11 and 25 years and in full-time education.

May attend all meetings and take part in discussions.

Subscription: £5.00

By resolution of the council, full members of the Association are permitted to use the letters MManAE after their name. A certificate of membership is issued to newly elected members.

Meeting Location

Meetings are held at the Hough End Centre, Mauldeth Road West, Chorlton, Manchester,

M21 7SX